Friday, March 06
and Sunday, March 08

In this thriller made in the style of Seven and Silence of the Lambs,
Morgan Freeman stars as a police detective hunting for a serial killer called
Cassanova who has captured his niece (Gina Ravera). Ashley Judd plays
Freeman's assistant, the only woman ever to escape Cassanova.
120 min, rated R, with Dolby Spectral Recording sound
7 & 10pm on 3/6 in 26-100
7:00pm on 3/8 in 26-100
Saturday, March 07
and Sunday, March 08

Pierce Brosnan returns as James Bond, who now must travel to China to
investigate the disappearance of a British frigate off the Chinese coast.
While there, Bond teams up with Chinese spy, Wai Lin (Michelle Yeoh) to
defeat Elliot Carver (Jonathan Pryce), a media mogul determined to rule the
world and get revenge on 007 for sleeping with his wife (Teri Hatcher). As
always, Q has provided Bond with a wide variety of deadly toys that add to
the action.
119 min, rated PG-13, with Dolby Spectral Recording sound
7 & 10pm on 3/7 in 26-100
10:00pm on 3/8 in 26-100