Contact LSC
Contact us electronically
Use the form below to send comments to LSC. Your mail can be directed to one of four groups. For fastest response, please choose the one most relevant to your inquiry.
General comments about the operations of LSC, or questions about LSC schedules and procedures. This is also the appropriate list for contacting the Officers of LSC. Feel free to direct your comments to one of the officers listed below:
Chairs Nixon Hanna and Geoffrey Enwere Treasurer Tyra Espedal Lecture Director Kai Beasley Projection Director Diego Rivera Night Director Kira Pospeshil Publicity Director Michelle Li Publicity Manager Ace Chun Refreshments Director Kath Hua Social Chair Annabel Ge Secretary Michelle Liang Film Bookers Mason Wang 35mm Coordinator Anton Perez Webmaster Ace Chun LSC-webmasters
Comments about LSC's Web Pages, or information contained therein.
Slides Questions
If you have any questions about slide advertising at LSC events, please first read our online slide information sheet. If you still have questions, send email to this address.
Mailing List Subscriptions
Request to be subscribed to LSC's mailing list. You will receive regular announcements about our movies and special events.
Use the mailman interface to join the list, please, but email us if you're having any problems.
Contact us by phone
General number: (617) 475-0598
Feel free to text or call our number with any questions!
Contact us by mail
Our shipping address (UPS, Fedex, DHL, Airborne Express, etc.) is:
MIT Lecture Series Committee
84 Massachusetts Avenue, Room W20-500
Cambridge, MA 02139